For the love of music, the Music Guild of New Mexico supports, promotes, and encourages nonprofit musical organizations that will educate, enhance, engage, and enrich the quality of our New Mexico community, especially its youth.

Create new Guild Member account

Email Communication Preferences
Interest Groups
Special Interest
Use only to indicate if the member has granted permission for his/her information to appear in the online (or printed) Member Directory.
The email address is not made public. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications.
This field will auto-populate with the values entered for your first and last name above.
Home Address
Required format 505 123-4567 whereas the phone number is (505) 123-4567
Required format 505 123-4567 whereas the phone number is (505) 123-4567
Required format 505 123-4567 whereas the phone number is (505) 123-4567
Required format 505 123-4567 whereas the phone number is (505) 123-4567
Membership Options

Select below a 1) Membership Category, 2) Membership Level, and your 3) Dues Payment method.

  • $25 - Senorita Circle
  • $60 - Active Member (Volunteer participation expected)
  • $75 - Active Couple (Volunteer participation expected)
  • $80 - Contributing (Social) Member (Volunteer participation welcome)
  • $140 - Contributing (Social) Couple
  • $100 - C-Note Member (Volunteer participation welcomed)
  • $175 - C-Note Couple (Volunteer participation welcomed)
  • $1000 - Lifetime Membership (Volunteer participation welcomed)

Membership Dues Expiration

Enter the date for the expiration of the current dues.

Member Since

Member Birthday
Enter the birthday month and day for the member.
Volunteer Opportunities
Check one or more
Toggle the checkbox to checked if the user is deceased.